April 19, 2024

Weaving Success Together: Threadneedle Law & Bellevue Law's Approach to Executive Exits

At Threadneedle Law, we're leading a shift by partnering with other boutique law firms like Bellevue Law.

Headshot of Threadneedle Law founder Laura Brunnen
By Laura Brunnen, Founding Solicitor
Weaving Success Together: Threadneedle Law & Bellevue Law's Approach to Executive Exits

The Shifting Landscape of Legal Collaboration

In the past, law firms have maintained distinct boundaries, operating within silos that protect firm identities and client relationships. However, this traditional model often misses opportunities for collaboration, particularly in specialised legal areas. At Threadneedle Law, we're leading a shift by partnering with other boutique law firms like Bellevue Law, who specialise in their practice areas, to ensure we deliver the highest quality outcomes for our clients, especially in complex matters like executive exits.

We spent some time chatting with one of our collaboration partners, Florence Brocklesby. Florence is the founder of Bellevue Law, which as of March 2024 is a proud B Corp, and specialises in employment law, legal disputes, investigations, regulatory and compliance work and private client work. Like Threadneedle Law, Bellevue Law offers the quality and expertise of a City firm, cost-effectively. 

Chatting With Florence Brocklesby of Bellevue Law

Florence Brocklesby, the founder of Bellevue Law, gives us an inside look at this partnership that combines the best of corporate law and employment law expertise.

Understanding the Collaborative Process

Can you describe the collaborative work between Bellevue Law and Threadneedle Law?

We often find ourselves collaborating on complex cases, particularly where a client is navigating the tricky waters of parting ways with a co-founder. These situations can range from amicable to extremely toxic. Laura brings her vast corporate law expertise, while we focus on the employment law aspects and potential litigation, aiming to avoid it wherever possible.

The Edge of Integration

What sets this partnership apart in handling such sensitive matters?

What truly distinguishes our collaboration is the seamless integration of our expertise. Laura is technically brilliant and capable of dissecting and understanding vast amounts of information swiftly. Her ability to not just lay out the options but to think tactically about the best course of action makes our team exceptionally effective.

Evolving To Meet Market Demands

Can you share an example where this partnership made a significant difference?

There was a case involving the forced exit of a co-founder from an investment business, based on unfounded allegations. This situation required a nuanced approach to protect our client's interests and reputation. Working closely with Laura, and despite facing a large City firm on the other side of the table, we managed to achieve a favourable outcome for our client, showcasing the depth of our collaborative approach.

How do you see the collaboration evolving to meet the legal market's demands?

The legal landscape is increasingly complex, and clients expect not just expertise but also a strategic and empathetic approach. Our partnership is poised to meet these expectations head-on, combining Threadneedle's corporate law prowess with our boutique firm's personalised touch. It’s about staying ahead of the curve and continuously innovating to provide the best solutions.

Ensuring Seamless Client Experiences

How do you ensure that the collaboration between Bellevue Law and Threadneedle Law remains seamless and client-focused?

Transparency and communication are key. We always ensure that our clients understand how we're working together as one team. Laura's responsiveness and our joint commitment to excellence mean that clients receive comprehensive support that's both timely and effective.

Confronting Challenges

What challenges have you faced in these collaborations, and how have you overcome them?

Each case brings its unique set of challenges, especially when dealing with highly emotional or contentious issues. The challenge is often in the balancing act—protecting our client's interests while navigating legal complexities. Our combined approach, leveraging Laura's strategic thinking and our tailored advice, has been instrumental in overcoming these hurdles.

Client Perspectives on Collaborative Success

Can you share any client feedback that highlights the strengths of your collaborative approach?

Our clients appreciate the depth of expertise and the personal touch we bring to each case. One piece of feedback that stands out is how clients feel genuinely supported and confident in our hands. They value the strategic guidance and the peace of mind that comes from knowing they have a dedicated team looking out for their best interests.

The Collaborative Future of Legal Practice: Sending a Message to the Industry

Finally, what message do you think this collaborative partnership sends to the legal industry?

It signals a shift towards more collaborative, client-centred legal services. We're demonstrating that combining forces and expertise leads to outcomes that truly serve the client's best interests. This approach is not just the future of legal practice; it's a necessary evolution to address today's complex challenges effectively.


Thank you, Florence, for sharing your insights. The old adage “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together” is deeply resonant with our collaboration's ethos. As we see more achievements in various fields stemming from partnerships, we believe our collaborative model will set the course for future legal services, emphasising collective expertise over individual effort.

At Threadneedle Law, we offer professional insight and personalised solutions without the complications of traditional legal practices. If you're a discerning corporate executive or business leader seeking experienced legal advisors who provide swift, tailored, and human-centred advice, please reach out to us at info@threadneedle.law.

Bellevue Law provides specialised services in employment law and beyond, matching City firm quality with cost-effective solutions. For dedicated support from outstanding employment lawyers, contact Bellevue Law at hello@bellevuelaw.co.uk.